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Friday, July 29, 2011 ♥
♥ 3:09 PM

Haiis this few day alot alot alot of things happen i have been starting to think tat why this have become this way..I am really very confuse i am nw choosing frm wad i am nw and wad i nid frm the future..Haiis i dont want in the future me or u to get hurt maybe i am still trying to think and figure out wad should i do u have memories so do i i have loads to think abt and no one truly kw the inside me ppl see only the appearance and the strong side of me but deep down i am just freaking soft and thinking abt the past but i dont wish to show out tat i am weak and just let other ppl thinks tat i have no past i have already forgotten abt the past but the truth is i haven maybe things are going this way cause i thought abt my past the past of me the hurtful moments the things i have done the personality i have..All this have started to come back so i think tat i nid a break i dont want to hurt u nor hurt myself i am starting to think and choose..I am sry..I dont want this to happen but i really nid a break and i have to really keep myself to think and change back to myself before i decide anything i dont want to make a harsh decision and hurt u and myself i dont want to make u think tat i am just a bastard i dont want anything bad to happen tats why i am trying to think very hard..Yes i may love you but i dont want anything happen to us tat even friends also cannot be!!Haiis i am sry..

Thursday, July 28, 2011 ♥
♥ 1:33 PM

Hmm so long didn't post cause i don't have the time to on my com and do some posting hahas today finally have the time to do some post so i gonna post abt wad happen in the past few days..This few days quite alot of things happen..Really very confuse wheather i should go into a relationship anot...Haiis sometimes i don't think tat nw is the time for me to go in a relationship cause i don't want to hurt anyone anymore cause i dun want to be hurt anymore..Haiis why am i starting to fear tis fear tat why cant i be the last time me maybe its the blow tat i have take too much have let me change or is't tat i am just sick and tired of this kind of life..Maybe its just both cause i dun wanna get hurt nor hurt ppl and sick of tired of this type of life i once used to be the cheerful me happy everyday without worries nor problem enjoyed my life every single min playing all the way with my dearest baobei men i miss all the times we laugh together i miss everything in my life tat i once had so i am trying my really best to think hard snap out of my confusion make a decision and do wad i am suppose to do..Maybe its fated tat we would last if we are together or am i just fearing too much and over-sensitive at times?Haiis hope i would made up my mind soon..Good luck to me maybe tmr i am just gonna let out my hard take a peaceful wake peace up my mind as its getting damn slow and slow...

Thursday, July 14, 2011 ♥
♥ 7:10 AM

Its been so long i last posted at my blog hmm things have change we quarrel everyday but things patches up soon after we quarrel maybe sometimes in life if there isn't any quarrel there wont be love cause after each quarrel we then knew hw important tat we are to each other..I really hope that u could be with me but everytime u just tell me tat u cant overcome those fear in relationship and it always pull me down each time u said tat to me..If u really dun want to be with me just tell me so alright cause i dw to fall deeper and get hurt deeply!!Every single day i am afraid tat i will lose u every single day i am afraid tat i will let u down one day...Every single moment i am thinking all abt u..When will u be rightfully mine? will tat day come?Reply all my answer in msg alright!!

Jun wen ♥
♥ The Lover.

Jun wen
Jun wen is known to most people.
One year older on every September 1st!
Dunearn sec,2007-2010

A very random & hyper boy who
is a CrazyLover of Winniethepooh and hello kitty ♥

Music is definitely part of me.
Singing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stair to ufo & there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

Sweeties of my life
is what i adores most.
They are my Super best friends.

Winnie the pooh hello kitty
Mickey mouse & pink,black or white stuffs makes me go crazy
(they're way too cute!)

Drawing & creating poems
are part of my favourites.

Going out together
with my sweeties are times when we
can crap together.

When i out with my loves ones or
when i feel like it^.^

Dark Chocolates
is my choice of chocolate.
More bitterness,less sweetness^.^

Beloved Darling
Shes's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this^.^
i love you cause you are who you are♥

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Get married with my lovely wife♥
- Make a memorable memories with my dearest baby so that i could show in our marriage♥
- Collect armani things.
- Have a Stress free life.
- Spend more time with u?
- Go out and enjoy with my sweeties♥
- More outings with Sweeties♥
- New pair of contact lens - 180cm tall!(If i can=P)
- Having no trouble!
- Less stress!
- Hope our relationship could last till marriage♥
Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

Cherilyn Flyaway!
Doreen Flyaway!
Jia hui Flyaway!
Joey Flyaway!
Gladys Flyaway!
Miko Flyaway!
Nicholas Chua Flyaway!
Nicholas Sis Flyaway!
Lena Flyaway!
Zhi feng Flyaway!

Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` August 2010 ` September 2010 ` October 2010 ` November 2010 ` December 2010 ` January 2011 ` February 2011 ` March 2011 ` May 2011 ` June 2011 ` July 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` March 2012 ` June 2012 ` November 2012 ` June 2014 ` July 2014