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Monday, May 23, 2011 ♥
♥ 12:04 PM

Today lots of things happen..I was very harsh today..I could nt control my temper and kind of flare up easily..After since we break my temper wasn't as good as the times were..Maybe there is too much for me think and stress but i will nv kw wads gonna happen..Things wnt be the way it is everythings is gone..Whywhywhy one thing come over another why is tis happening??I really don't understand why..There are juz too much for me to think and ask myself why?Maybe today its the last day of blogging and tis will be the memories as the skin i edited myself..Memories are meant to be keep and nt forgotten..Looking back the times we spent together makes me smile with tears in my eye but its nv gonna be the same again..All i just want nw is begin by ur side right nw asking u will u give me a 2nd chance to let me love u wholeheartly again?But its nv gonna come true so why nt keep it as a memories for both of us and carry on with our own life?But can i really do it i really dont know..I am very confused right nw of wad shld i do to have tat chance to say my unspoken words..Tears nevers speak those unspoken words but its always make u feel better..I'm sorry that iloveyou but i will nv regret loving you♥..I dk why i am crying but i felt better everytime i cried..Nobodys kws i am crying nobody kws its bleeding inside..She juz thinks tat i am fine..Its okay tat i lose her i am really fine but i am nt fine at all!!Losing her is nt in my plan..All i plan was begin the best boyfriend she ever had but i falied!!Its hurt deeply inside but does she even kw??For nw i dont wan anything i only want her!!Anything doesn't matters right nw all tat matters is hw to save the r/s but could i do it?Haiis..Stopping to blog nw good byes readers..

Sunday, May 22, 2011 ♥
♥ 9:15 AM

Today lots of things happen..Why ppl get jealous easily??I am soo sry baby tat i have wronged u but maybe its juz too late for me to say sry..Sometimes i really wonder is things really over??I kinda get drunk whn i am down but the sorrows is still there nth changes whn i wake up..I kw tat its much too late for me to say i am sry but i am nt gonna change ur mind all i wanted was begin ur man treat u good as good as i can..I got happy with u life with u was good but nw its juz the past..I try to be the best bf for u but i have falied to do so..Hope things will be juz the same as times were..

Saturday, May 21, 2011 ♥
♥ 10:32 AM

Hmm tis few days no photo to upload so will nt be uploading photo^.^Haiis things are getting worse each days wad could i do?Nth much i can do lorx..Kinda of jealous everytime saw smthing tat i ain't suppose to see and smthing ain't suppose to happen haiis...Hmm today went to clementi to eat with my mum thn went to buy koi^.^Thn went to walk walk around clementi thn after tat went take bus liao jiu went to go find leslie they all thn went alif eat and meet wei lin at alif thn waited thm to eat finish jiu went to play basketball awhile..Thn slacked awhile jiu went hm liao thn talked on the phone so sain right nw..Haiis..Saw something tat i am nt suppose to see at fb la..Damn irritated by those thing right nw its like Grr wtf..Nw i cant fking slp so irritated la knn..Haiis let nature take its course bahx..

Wednesday, May 18, 2011 ♥
♥ 11:38 AM

Today theres so much fun today went shopping with doreen^.^Have a damn great time bought necklace for baby and brought headphone and sunglasses^.^Damn happy today have such a damn great fun hahas and took some photo with doreen nw currently uploading the pic right nw^.^Soon headed back hm after Shopping at jp..Helped doreen do her psp things thn went down to find baby first and aww baby nid to go hm so sent her hm and gave her the necklace^.^Hope she will wear it and rmb me cause i am really afraid tat i cant be there for her anymore..No matter wad has happen i will be strong and hope baby could be strong too^.^After tat went to find doreen and guess wad i saw zhi yang and ate with doreen and zhi yang its seems everyone is down right nw but no matter hw down am i i will still be strong think the positive way and put a smile on my face^.^Still left 11hr to my court and hope everything will go well and fine..Baby i love you♥..M1 really sux to the core today due to m1 satellite was down and all connection is down damn hate it cant msg baby=(Haiis heng i got another number with me and it saved my day=)At least i still could contact other ppl..Hmm nth much more to post lerx Baby no matter wad i will still be there for u in some way and i really look forward a lasting relationship with u and wish our love nv ends♥

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 ♥
♥ 7:19 AM

Hmm its been a few days nv post lerx..Tis few days too happy and tired so didn't hav time to post..Thn it all happen again today..Haiis why things always have to be tis way??I think i shld let go of everything??Maybe??Missed all those msg but will it ever gonna be back the same?I think no bahx..All msg means alot to me i didn't delete even a single one but whn i look at those msg think back image starting to flash right infront of me its soo scary but i am nt even scared i felt happy but whn those image started to fade tears are coming down frm my cheeks and i started to ask myself why why why why can i forget and let go everything why cant it be deleted frm my mind like phone does i have computer brain but why cant everything be deleted??Maybe its time to let go of everything right nw cause i am losing everything nw...I am starting to lose everything right nw can i be able to surpress everything?Maybe maybe nt..Things are nt going the way u wanted everytime so Why nt just accept everything tat is happening and try looking at the bright side maybe its just the process of life?Hmm looking at the bright side always help=)Feeling much better right nw..

Saturday, May 14, 2011 ♥
♥ 8:30 AM

Hmm today nth really much happen rot today at hm..Hahas..Now talking to the Piggy Shu wen hahas..I feel like things are going to go back the way it is but its nv gonna be the same..Hmm somethings are really hard to forget haiis..Went down to batok at 5plus go eat thn jiu slack around thn at 10 plus jiu go hm lerx..Hmm hearing songs tat bring me back to the times time were thinking back tears always flow down my cheeks but i gotta force bak my tears..

♥ 12:42 AM

Hmm sry tis few days doesn't have the mood to post so will seldom post..Hmm are we drifting apart real far?I things are going to be tis way thn i have nth much more to say..All i just want is u to spent time with me not avoiding me everytime u see me..Izt very hard for u or am i asking too much?I think ur heart has already gone and its nt going to come bak to me..Do i even have the point of trying to patch things up no right..If things going to be tis way i dont give a fk damn anymore do wadever fk u wan and i am nw fking piss off and its nv gonna be the same me u have ever seen!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ♥
♥ 12:45 PM

Hmm today was a close shave almost broke up with my gf..Nw i am still trying my best to make her stay and i will still try my best to make amends and cherish her well but if she really want to leave i could only respect her decision=(Hope tat she wont leave..I also dk wad did i done wrong but all i can say is let me be the one who give u the most care and love and be ur best bf u ever had and hope tat this memories of ours will be kept and remember..I tried to talk things out and try to pull the bound back if u have make ur decision and decided to leave i wont stop u cause i kw tat no matter wad i say and wad i do its nv gonna be the same so i will juz keep quiet give u a last hug and kiss and tell u hope u find ur happiness in some way without me and whisper i love u and just walk away cause tears are gonna flow down my cheeks..In the mean time i hope things will be fine..Lets nt talk abt this anymore lets talk abt some happy things..Today receive my mothers day present OMG its so long tat i receive present frm somebody..Aww thanks alot nu er..Its a winnie the pooh mug OMG u really brought a mug but didn't kw hw u get to kw tat i like winnie the pooh lorx...Hahas..I will still try my best to cheer up even i kw i cant cause theres too much worries to be afraid of but no matter wad happen i will just bring out a mask tat tells ppl its okay i am fine..Listening to songs tats make my tears flow out and i cant able to stop it cause its the tears of saddness which i have buried deep down my heart..Its gonna come bak and i am just gonna face..I am not going to run anymore cause no matter hw long or hw far i run the problem is still there..Looking on the bright side of life its the best way to help u solve problems=)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 ♥
♥ 9:43 AM

Today almost everything didn't went well haiis..Its kind of like we are drifting apart farer and farer..Haiis why cant things go they way they are?Why must everything be so difficult?I really dont want to lose u cause i am afraid tat i will lose u its like everything nw seems so complicated..Ppl says tat relationship have up and down and there must be a bound to keep the relationship stable but nw our bound is like more and less more and less..Haiis..Wad to do?I could nt do anything nw but give in everyday..U are spending more time with ur friend the spending with me..I tired real hard to be a good bf but everytime i try to do so i always get the reflection tat i use to be tat..I could only try my best and hope tat everything will go well for us..I want to spend more time with u but did u try to spent more time with me?For me i dont think so but maybe is u got try but u could not pangseh ur friend..I kept thinking the good way everyday and keep giving in tolerating everything carry all the burden but i really dont know hw long i can take it but i still will try my best to be a best bf u ever had(if i can)As long as u are happy with the things u are doing i am okay with it even if i am jealous i tend to emo at times but i will still try my best not to be jealous and emo and tends to spent time with u and still trying very hard to cheer u up..Maybe its the bound u have with ur friend is more thn our bound and u tends to treat friends better thn u treat me..I dk why i am nw fearful of losing u..Hope tat u will have more time to spent with me cause i kw tat i doesn't have much time left..Let me treasure this moment and make it a good memories..

Monday, May 9, 2011 ♥
♥ 10:49 AM

Haiis i am seriously afraid to lose u..I am afraid tat after i go court u will nv be mine again but if i really go in sit its myself to blame cause if i have nt break the law i wont be charge to court..So i wont blame u de baby..If u have found a person u truly love go for it whn i am inside cause i am going to be a loner for life i kw it its some kind of karma..I kw wad i am going through and i am going to face the outcome of it..Its too late to repent from the sins i have made hurting so many innocent heart tat truly love me and i am awfully sorry and Nw its gonna be my turn to be hurt..I kw tat i am going to lose every important things i have so nw i will cherish everything i have nw..Even if i lose every important things i will stand up and find the key where i drop it and start frm the scratch and slowly stand up no matter hw long it takes me to stand up i will still try to stand up till the last breath i have..If i didnt go in i will still love u but i cant promise u forever love cause there isn't forever love but i will love u cherish u while i still can <3

♥ 10:30 AM

Today alot of things have happen..Ppl are weird nw a days like i have done smthing wrong to thm..Its like i have been pushing around nw and thn its like i treat ppl too good and more and more ppl are climbing up my head..I nw and thn still have lots of worries to thing and i am damn irritated to those who are close to me...Its getting irritating..Frm nw onwards i wont be the good me anymore dont blame me for doing tis i will nv give chance nw cause i hate begin scold for nth or even get scold by saying a joke its like i have done lots and lots of wrong cant take joke thn dont talk to me la..Knn msg me thn guai lan me wad the fk i do wrong sia..Although i hate scolding vulgarities but i will nv gonna change tat cause i cant take it anymore...I am going to be the fk up me so dont blame me for doing tis due to the things u do to me..Joking also knn scold ccb wad the fk i do wrong..I begin nice smile and smile and smile but inside i am damn irritated fk up but did u all kw tat no right ccb..Ppl who are close to me are nw damn weird everyone is changing so i am changing too all want be so fk tub right thn i also be so fk tub..

Sunday, May 8, 2011 ♥
♥ 11:25 AM

Hmm today went to wm to meet mum to celebrate mothers day and thn rush go down to batok to buy furit and celebrate mother day with gan ma thn go gombak buy cake for another gan ma aww so busy haiis but too bad baby nt free she went out with her friends..Meet her around 7plus yay damn happy but quarrel with her before we meet but at least get to c her and thn everything got okay slacked around thn took one photo before sending her hm..After sending her home jiu went 2hm and find leslie thn went to 323 eat my dinner but its like supper=)After supper went to 318 sit and talked jiu go take bus hm lerx..Play bs hahas com lag dao siao so didnt play liao thn nw at here blogging hahas..Gtg byes

Saturday, May 7, 2011 ♥
♥ 9:44 AM

Grr damn today late wake up by 2 hr sry to let u guys wait hahas..Hmm today went down to clementi to have breakfast end up go there eat mac^.^Thn walk to go take bus..Damn hot today Grr!!Took 188 to habour front and thn went to vivo to wait for qing yang and leslie to come..Played arcade while waiting aww damn my parapara sux like hell nw long time nv play lerx sain..Maybe someday go ownself train bak hahas..Have cam whore wheeee..Soon came qing yang and leslie so bought ticket to sentosa played water awhile but thn all end up at there doing sand drawing..Haiis asked My baby laopo(Siew teng) to come but she dont wan =( After played at sentosa ahwile jiu go lerx cause damnn hot burning at there..Wei lin came over and meet us at vivo so we went to vivo to had our lunch wahhhx wad a nice lunch we have =)After lunch went to brought movie ticket and while waiting for the time is up we went to arcade..After arcade went to sit sit and talked awhile thn i went to buy chocolate and brought Sweet for my dear baby laopo..After buying went to sit and talked awhile more jiu went to buy popcorn and went in soon after buying popcorn..Went to watch the movie THOR is quite a nice and funny show..So after watching i rushed back to batok to see my dear baby laopo..She very tired so am i but i still make the effort to rush down to meet her hahas<3..Hmm so went home after sending her back..Reach home first thing on com and upload all the photo for today hahas all like epic like tat..Those photo have alot of memories and it will forever be in my mind =)Had a really great day today thx to Hui jie,Qing yang,Josephine,Wei lin,Leslie,Lizhen and My Baby LaoPo<3..Yawn damn tired nw going to slp soon..Gtg=)

Friday, May 6, 2011 ♥
♥ 10:18 AM

Hmm yestaday ton at 2nd hus talked with leslie till 3plus..Hmm thn he jiu go slp lerx thn i tried to slp but i cant slp cause of the question bothering me Grr so piss off..Today msg her to see wheather the outcome is i expected de but in the end its nt..So kind of feeling shaggy but hid my feelings and step happy all the way..Accompany doreen to jp and to collect her hp..Reached jp and went down to the repair shop and waited for the our turn..So while waiting helped doreen to complete her kingdom heart hahas manage to complete it^.^Half way while waiting i receive a msg and i stun there looking at the msg and i tot its a joke so went on questioning thn it turn out to be sooo true and was damn happy she finally gave me a answer^.^After collecting the phone went to wallet shop to help doreen choose a wallet and hahas she found wad she want so after buying we went to mac to go find doreen friend and after tat went to taxi stand took a cab right back to batok hahas damn happy at tat time and went up seeing her i felt shyy hahas..So went in and settle our things and thn went down 323 to eat and she go with her friend to pei her friend eat and i pei my friend eat..So waited for her friends to eat finish and come to fine me..She came soon after tat thn she was like too shy to sit down right beside me so stand all the way..Haiis..But after tat went up to 2nd hm and thn at qy they all let me and her alone in the rm omggosh i felt damn shy she too felt damn shy thn i tried to make the first move and it went well hehes..Our love is starting to bound..If i could i will try my best to last but i hope tat she wnt be the one breaking up with me bahx hahas...Hmm hope tmr will go well^.^Got to go slp nw Grr if nt i ltr cannot wake up..

Thursday, May 5, 2011 ♥
♥ 7:03 AM

Hmm today nth much have happen either mood went up and down today^.^Morning went to meet wei lin and accompany him to woodlands cause he wan send her gf to sch so pei him lorx..After tat went to regent to wait for qy and hui jie after sch..Thn went to lot1 to find hui jie after tat went slacked at lot1 and waited for jess to come thn after tat had lunch at kfc and they study i at there do nth..4 like tat jess went off and me and hui jie went to mini toons find present thn soon wei lin and his gf came and thn i spent 60bucks on the present..Heart pain but nvm long long one time nia so nvm..After buying the present headed bak home to take thing pass to hui jie so she can help me pass to jess..Thn meet siew teng they all at my hus downstair thn after tat went down to 313 slack..After slacking went back home played blackshot whoo owned hahas..So nw got spare time jiu come blog blog lorx..Hahas..Hmm dk wad she meant also..Haiis..Nth much more to post liao..

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 ♥
♥ 6:24 AM

Hmm today was a great day(Y)Woke up went to do my things waiting for replies and in the mean time i went to wash up^.^Hahas..Hmm thn got one person nv reply me Grr hahas but nvm..Doreen called me and went down happily down to go find her and had lunch with her and thn helped her to play her kingdom heart..Hahas thn went down to find qy they all and played like a child its seems so good as my childhood times..Its nv gonna be better muhahaas thn went slacked awhile jiu went home to eat my dinner..Its so nice of my brother brought prawn noodles for me hahas..Thn nw nth to do so jiu blog blog awhile..Hmm hope everyday of my life could be like tis so i wont be tat stress anymore hahas..Nw too happy till i think tat i am going to go crazy hahas...Tats all for today^.^

Tuesday, May 3, 2011 ♥
♥ 10:49 AM

Just done doing my blog whee..Hahas so long nv touch my blog lerx dk why today night felt like posting and seeing my blog brings alot of memories..Especially sad ones..Hmm dk maybe is i stalk too much tonight hahas..Quite happy with my new blog skins hahas..Hmm wad shld i post tonight??I also dk..Hmm let me post abt wad has been happening OMG alot of unexpected things happen and i am going back to court tat i swore nv to go back ever again haiis..Bo bain they everytime last min then wan charge me everytime find fault with me de lorx like i outside singapore will be having chaos la..Slowly one by one case charge me wan charge me faster charge all charge together la no nid one by one charge me de mahx..Wth la i dw go in go out wan let me stay inside or let me stay outside dnt make my family and friends worried so much!!Hmm kind of getting better and better each day changing to become a good person and nt a gangster anymore..I can change de Jiayou..My gangster life is over and nw lets get on with lives..I also dk why am i crying nw..I am crying everynight maybe is i think too much or am i worrying abt u?U didn't even reply my msg i kinda feel worried but i also cannot do anything but i can only juz think and think and think till i am crying for nthing..Wearing a fake smile in the morning but behind the smile is bitterness inside of me but wad can i do give u comfort whn u dnt even nid me?I want to be my real cheerful self but can i?Maybe i shld try really hard every day!!Hmm nth much more to post lerx will update real soon de hahas^.^

Jun wen ♥
♥ The Lover.

Jun wen
Jun wen is known to most people.
One year older on every September 1st!
Dunearn sec,2007-2010

A very random & hyper boy who
is a CrazyLover of Winniethepooh and hello kitty ♥

Music is definitely part of me.
Singing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stair to ufo & there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

Sweeties of my life
is what i adores most.
They are my Super best friends.

Winnie the pooh hello kitty
Mickey mouse & pink,black or white stuffs makes me go crazy
(they're way too cute!)

Drawing & creating poems
are part of my favourites.

Going out together
with my sweeties are times when we
can crap together.

When i out with my loves ones or
when i feel like it^.^

Dark Chocolates
is my choice of chocolate.
More bitterness,less sweetness^.^

Beloved Darling
Shes's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this^.^
i love you cause you are who you are♥

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Get married with my lovely wife♥
- Make a memorable memories with my dearest baby so that i could show in our marriage♥
- Collect armani things.
- Have a Stress free life.
- Spend more time with u?
- Go out and enjoy with my sweeties♥
- More outings with Sweeties♥
- New pair of contact lens - 180cm tall!(If i can=P)
- Having no trouble!
- Less stress!
- Hope our relationship could last till marriage♥
Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

Cherilyn Flyaway!
Doreen Flyaway!
Jia hui Flyaway!
Joey Flyaway!
Gladys Flyaway!
Miko Flyaway!
Nicholas Chua Flyaway!
Nicholas Sis Flyaway!
Lena Flyaway!
Zhi feng Flyaway!

Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` August 2010 ` September 2010 ` October 2010 ` November 2010 ` December 2010 ` January 2011 ` February 2011 ` March 2011 ` May 2011 ` June 2011 ` July 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` March 2012 ` June 2012 ` November 2012 ` June 2014 ` July 2014