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Sunday, December 26, 2010 ♥
Thinking ♥ 9:07 AM

Hais..Thinking of wad shld i do..I dont even know wad to do..I think bak althought i hurt too much ppl and i noe nth i do its help nw...Just want to see everyone happy..Nw Just cant get good sleep kind of irritated nw..Grrr..Hais nth much more to write byes readers..

Saturday, December 25, 2010 ♥
Crazy night ♥ 10:28 AM

Hmm yestaday was quite of fun went to town and was walking and walking around and we went to watch movie yepps..After movie went to played arcade then after arcade we went to play pool..After pool we wanted to play lan but we went to bugis then there close liao so went to ten mile also cannot play then went to sunshine place there also close liao so went to kopitiam drink and eat after tat we all went home and rest hahas..Althought yestaday was quite fun but i also duno why i feel empty inside..But nth i can do to make myself feel good so just want to see ppl around me happy tats all..Hais...Sleeping the whole christmas hehes..Hmm this chirstmas nt as good as i expected but at least i can spend my chirstmas..Hmm nth much more to write so ending here byes reader..

Thursday, December 23, 2010 ♥
Best wishes for tmr ♥ 11:36 AM

Yoy readers,
Hmm this few days nth much to post so didn't post..Hmm Tmr i going for court trail liao then i hope tat tmr i can still have the chance to come out..Hmm hope i can walk out of the court..This few days went to find zhi feng and went to meet nicholas chua and his sister....walked around ite today and just cant find the damn sticky shop Grrr..Hmmm then after tat i went home to take a rest then go out again...Till nw then just come bak hahas..Bo bain tmr nid to go court so just enjoy my one last day then see tmr can walk out of the court anot...Christmas eve is just tmr then i want to celebrate with my love ones:) But also duno can or cannot..Hais..Hmm nth much to post liao so ending here..Byes readers wish me all the best for tmr.

Sunday, December 19, 2010 ♥
Cant sleep ♥ 2:08 PM

Hmm this few days i finally noe who are the ppl who really care for me..Thx all of u all who care for me this few days..Hmm time are running short and hope tat my court trail wont be a big problem and nth much will happen..As things this few days are getting more and more complicated till nw i cant even get a good sleep..Keep on rolling at the bed and just keep thinking of someone..Duno i am worried or wad i just cant stop thinking of her..Hais..This few days are like hell in my life..Keep on thinking wad shld i do but think and think nth much makes sense too..Just wishes tat i could spent the whole chirstmas eve night with her but i think tats much impossible..Wishes doesn't come true...Hmm just hope my three wishes will come true but i think 2 or 1 only will come true as i will be putting effort in my wishes..I finally have change after a few blow..Nw i dont even want to fight only in self-defence..I am nw have already change and i have promise myself to love the one who love me and treat my enemies as my friend..Stay happy with the one i love and stay out of trouble..Simple promise to myself and i must honor my words..Hmm kind of nth much to post liao so ending here..Byes reader.

Thursday, December 16, 2010 ♥
Going to go court soon..Hais ♥ 3:05 AM

Hais..Yoy readers came bak to post as my mood is quite sad right nw...I have been thinking tat i have nt much time to stay outside and enjoy my lfie so i have decided to get all my answer and spent my time with my love one why i can..Hmm If my answer is duno then i treat it as a no bahx..As i rather have a no as an answer rather then caring false hope..Hmm dont still left few days more for my trail then duno got bail anot if dont have straight go in Changi prison complex...Hais...Hope tat ltr i wont have a duno as an answer..As ltr i will be asking u the last time so i rather take a no or a yes then duno...Hmm life is full of up and down when u are having ur down time in ur life u nid to have courage and guts to stand up on ur own again nt expecting ppl to pull u up as ppl only can surport u and u must stand up on ur own when u fall down...Hmm nth much more to write liao so going off lerx..Byes readers..

Sunday, December 12, 2010 ♥
Byes reader ♥ 12:31 PM

Hiie readers thx for coming to my blog and read but i most likely will nt post anymore as it bring me lots of hurtful memories and i have thought of living this blog like this as but if my mood change i will come bak to posting it depends....Hmm kind of feeling damn shag by wad happen when i wake up...Nv thought of tat but good for her..I expected she will come to my blog to read things i have posted but didnt expect tat msg when i wake up...Its a good thing too...As ppl grown up their mind set change its the way ppl live their life...Its up to u to decide what mind set u wan...Mind set can be change everyday as their are having wad thinking..Hmm i have a short and sweet love message just for u..In case u nv come read my blog i will send u a message of the same copy..Soo lets start..I hide my tears when I say your name but the pain in my heart is still the same. Although I smile and seem care free. There is only one who misses you more than any one else and that is me...Hope u will like it...Hmm i kind of want to go some place and nv be found as the memories of her will be in my mind forever...Okay readers its getting late and lets vote wheather shld i close down the blog anot..Pls write wad ur vote in the chat box readers...Okay ending here...Byes reader..

Saturday, December 11, 2010 ♥
Saddness in my life ♥ 1:07 PM

Today nth much happen much as i was sleeping all the way but i rather be sleeping all the way then waking up...Few good thing about waking up is u can do what ever u wan but then there will be alot for u to think and there are lots of lots of everyday life problem for u to solve..I hate this holiday it sux but wad to do..When we were young we love holiday as we can do what ever we wan and go out with the one they love but when we were older things change..I think this is karma but hahas nvm karma is a cycle so just go on with life..There are lots of good point beging asleep as u no nid to think of anything and just lie down there hear nth or do nth and just dream abt the things u wan..Hais...Currently feeling damn sad as there something tat make me sad and angry..Hais..Everybody change this holiday..Hais..She is nt the girl i knew longer..Most likely this will be my last time posting as there are nt much point continuing this blog..This blog brings me alot of memories and this memories will be forever here as going to leave some places tat no one can find me..Byes reader..

Friday, December 10, 2010 ♥
Words frm my heart ♥ 10:41 AM

Yoy readers its been 3 and a half day i didnt post so came bak to post since i have the time and cant be able to sleep nw..This few day things didnt go tat well but nvm trying hard to make things go well but tats almost impossible but tat wads i am..Like to do something impossible...Hmmm i am nw thinking somehting can someone hides it saddness and dont let anyone noe about??Hmm i think no because feeling sad and cant let anyone noe its damn miserable..Feelings is wad life is all about..Saddness is something which let u think of the past...Happiness is something tat make u go forward and nt looking bak...Love is all about the person u love..This is all wad feeling is...Without feeling u are like a zombie and keep everything to itself because they dont even noe hw to express feelings...Hais..Found a very important pieces of my life tat i once have it but have lost it for few month and nw i am trying to get bak wads mine if i can..Cannot also nvm single for life also a very good things..Last time i thought tat why ppl will become hongster and having diffrent girl all around them but end up giving up to be a hongster..I have already noe why..Because they were too hurt and thought they will nv find their missing piece of their life so they just go around finding diffrent girl and think tat is their missing piece but when they really found their missing piece they just give up everything just for her..Even they cant be together the person will just either end the life or will just disapear to somewhere no one can find them.U must be wondering hw would i noe...My reply is because i am also one last time but gave up being one..Hmm i have nw a one and only poem just for my dearest love i hope she will come to see my blog..
Do you think i have told you tat i hw madly in love i am with you?
Have i let you know without u life will be extremely tough?
You are everything tat give me tat one reason to carry on living and all i have for u is my heart and soul i'll give.
You are all tat makes me happy and u are all tat make me smile.
You have show me u have care for me even in your bad mood.
I love you more then u could know and you are nw my one and only love.
My heart beat the same beat as your heart.
My hit fit perfectly into ur like i am wearing a glove.
I will sheild the pain and stop all your pain and keep you save from harm.
There is a place i wanted to go and its go right in your heart.
My love for you go deeper each day and nw i think it is the time i told you tat You are the only want i want to be with forever,The one i always hold.
I love you just waiting for you to give me a chance.
Hmm reader i think i will be ending here.So byes reader will update soon.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010 ♥
Thinking of You ♥ 11:13 AM

Yoy readers...

Hmm its been quite long since i last post...This few day quite happy...Enjoying my life before i have no time to enjoy the good times outside...Actually jail terms is also not tat bad as there are no worries inside and u no nid to care wad will happen next as everything is plan for u...Outside world u must stress on alot of thing and think of some solution to the problem and must firgue a way out without having any harm to each other but tat is always imposible as everyone have a impluse state...Hais so i have decided to dont do anything more and try to dont care any problem anymore as mostly problem = to impulse state..Hais...Hmm thinking of someone nw i thnk the person i thinking must be sleeping lerx hahas..Hmm she kind of tired of going boring place but cannot do anything must go pay respect...I think i have much lesser time nw every day is full of stunning surpise nv expected things will go so bad but wad to do petty ppl are like tat they dare to bully ppl but get bully want go report police hum ji ppl is like tat de...Hmm its late right nw hahas so i also veyr tired liao and nth much more to write also hahas...Byes readers will update soon:)

Sunday, December 5, 2010 ♥
Hais ♥ 4:55 AM

Yoy readers,

Hais today wake up nth to do then went to cycle and look around the world around me...I have been thinking wad shld i do nw and aww i think tat i have do something wrong but i wont regret for wad i have done as loving a person is having no regret...Having lots of lots of things to think damn pek chek...Hais...Hope to have my answer soon..Hmm kind of thinking things nw and msging someone:D..Also nth much more to write larx then i thinking i will be ending here if have more things to post then will update soon...So byes readers

Saturday, December 4, 2010 ♥
Damn Confused ♥ 8:24 AM

Yoy readers hahas its been like few days nv post liao because nt at hm so didnt have the time to post...Hmm i am back nw posting and Wow this few day have alot of unexpected things happen and i also did something tat is also very unexpected..Hmm I hope tat i could quickly do all my things and prepare for the worst and go without any regret but theres is always something tat cannot be leave undone so nw i am nw thinking of doing everything i can to complete thoese few small wishes in my life before i really dont have a chance to do it then my life will be full or regret..Hmm I am still waiting for my answer frm someone...Yawn kind of nth to do nw so g2g byes...

Jun wen ♥
♥ The Lover.

Jun wen
Jun wen is known to most people.
One year older on every September 1st!
Dunearn sec,2007-2010

A very random & hyper boy who
is a CrazyLover of Winniethepooh and hello kitty ♥

Music is definitely part of me.
Singing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stair to ufo & there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

Sweeties of my life
is what i adores most.
They are my Super best friends.

Winnie the pooh hello kitty
Mickey mouse & pink,black or white stuffs makes me go crazy
(they're way too cute!)

Drawing & creating poems
are part of my favourites.

Going out together
with my sweeties are times when we
can crap together.

When i out with my loves ones or
when i feel like it^.^

Dark Chocolates
is my choice of chocolate.
More bitterness,less sweetness^.^

Beloved Darling
Shes's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this^.^
i love you cause you are who you are♥

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Get married with my lovely wife♥
- Make a memorable memories with my dearest baby so that i could show in our marriage♥
- Collect armani things.
- Have a Stress free life.
- Spend more time with u?
- Go out and enjoy with my sweeties♥
- More outings with Sweeties♥
- New pair of contact lens - 180cm tall!(If i can=P)
- Having no trouble!
- Less stress!
- Hope our relationship could last till marriage♥
Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

Cherilyn Flyaway!
Doreen Flyaway!
Jia hui Flyaway!
Joey Flyaway!
Gladys Flyaway!
Miko Flyaway!
Nicholas Chua Flyaway!
Nicholas Sis Flyaway!
Lena Flyaway!
Zhi feng Flyaway!

Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` August 2010 ` September 2010 ` October 2010 ` November 2010 ` December 2010 ` January 2011 ` February 2011 ` March 2011 ` May 2011 ` June 2011 ` July 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` March 2012 ` June 2012 ` November 2012 ` June 2014 ` July 2014