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Sunday, October 31, 2010 ♥
Waiting for u ♥ 5:00 PM

Yoy readers...

Bak for some posting...hmm have time so come by post...This few days alot of things happen...Hais...Just quitted my job..No fun..Dont want go work liao..Work is boring...Hahas...Hmm This few day think of something...Shld i walk bak my footstep and be the last time me no right??I dont think is right to walk bak to my own footstep but sometimes i think tat if i dont walk bak some ppl dont understand...I am still thinking whether i shld walk bak anot..If this time i walk bak i cannot have a bright future..Sometimes i think of the ppl in my life who cherish me and treat me good and dont wan anything to happen to me...When i thought of it I think this time they are right and i am the wrong one...But sometimes I dont noe hw to explain this out...I will get to over reacted and be very rush tats it....I dont wan to be a rush person...A person who act on impluse...I want to change for a new me..I have change alot this 2 years but nw i am out i shld cherish wad i got and gave ppl happiness in their life tats my one and only mission..Bring ppl no harm,care for ppl,try to give ppl wad they want and most of all i am always there for the person who nid me i their life....Hmm i think i should end soon bahx hahas very busy...Nid go do more things...Yestaday find out tat Geylang have nice porriage and totally nt tasty food la hahas..Hmm byes readers.Will try to update more...

Thursday, October 21, 2010 ♥
The day i making it the truth ♥ 4:12 PM

To all my stalker reader who is nt really very wellcome in this blog...If u want to noe who am i writing pls ask me and the post yestaday was about a person who i trufully love and care and my love for her is never forgoten...I today making everything here in this blog dont cry over me dolly...The one and only one I love is TAN JIA HUI!!!she is the one and only one i love...I could nv forget her..I nw I dont wan to do anything else but just give myself some cooling time get back to my own life....Tats all i want to say today...Hmm nice chatting with cherilyn mei hahas....Happy getting ur result...Got to go byes reader....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 ♥
Duno hw to express ♥ 9:46 AM

Yoy reader it been so long i nv post and nw i am going to post everyday if i can...

I finally want to face up the reality..Frm today onwards i want to face reality and will nt be escaping it..I stopped blogging for some reason and nw i dont care about it anymore as i want to face reality...This few day post will be boring...Keeping myself at home is a good way of escaping reality but nw i am going to get out there to face all my problem and overcome everything....Hmm nw lets start a new topic...I didn't show tat i care u for u but i do in some way u will nv noe..I nv tell u hw much i miss u but i miss u alot..Its been very long i didn't see u..Sometimes i will hide somewhere and see u but u didn't noe tat i was there looking at u..When i see u smile and laugh i felt happy tat u finally have some happiness in ur life..I am sry but i will be there for u till here...I maybe will be going somewhere far far away tat no one can find me and be alone in a peaceful mind always...I duno wad to say anymore as i have no mood to blog nw but just felt like have the feeling to blog..Tats all reader take care....


Friday, October 1, 2010 ♥
Its time to let go ♥ 8:04 AM

Today alot of things happen...Talked to doreen and finally made up my mind to let go of everything and start a new life...I am sry leslie and zhi yang but i already tried my best but still cant teach them properly...Teach already also dont listen...I rather let them be wad they want as everytime they just think tat i am showing off and lots more thing..I care about them but they didn't see tat..After saying good bye to leslie and they all i went home..Stayed home all day and suddenly saw the pic of our memories out of sudden tears flow down my eyes..I think about wad i want and do..Am i doing the right things?Hais..Nth more to write byes reader..


Jun wen ♥
♥ The Lover.

Jun wen
Jun wen is known to most people.
One year older on every September 1st!
Dunearn sec,2007-2010

A very random & hyper boy who
is a CrazyLover of Winniethepooh and hello kitty ♥

Music is definitely part of me.
Singing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stair to ufo & there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

Sweeties of my life
is what i adores most.
They are my Super best friends.

Winnie the pooh hello kitty
Mickey mouse & pink,black or white stuffs makes me go crazy
(they're way too cute!)

Drawing & creating poems
are part of my favourites.

Going out together
with my sweeties are times when we
can crap together.

When i out with my loves ones or
when i feel like it^.^

Dark Chocolates
is my choice of chocolate.
More bitterness,less sweetness^.^

Beloved Darling
Shes's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this^.^
i love you cause you are who you are♥

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Get married with my lovely wife♥
- Make a memorable memories with my dearest baby so that i could show in our marriage♥
- Collect armani things.
- Have a Stress free life.
- Spend more time with u?
- Go out and enjoy with my sweeties♥
- More outings with Sweeties♥
- New pair of contact lens - 180cm tall!(If i can=P)
- Having no trouble!
- Less stress!
- Hope our relationship could last till marriage♥
Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

Cherilyn Flyaway!
Doreen Flyaway!
Jia hui Flyaway!
Joey Flyaway!
Gladys Flyaway!
Miko Flyaway!
Nicholas Chua Flyaway!
Nicholas Sis Flyaway!
Lena Flyaway!
Zhi feng Flyaway!

Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` August 2010 ` September 2010 ` October 2010 ` November 2010 ` December 2010 ` January 2011 ` February 2011 ` March 2011 ` May 2011 ` June 2011 ` July 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` March 2012 ` June 2012 ` November 2012 ` June 2014 ` July 2014