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Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ♥
stress life ♥ 11:21 AM

This few day i have been thinking wad should i do?I have been asking myself wad is right and wrong..Finally today i have answer all my question..From today onwards i will be wad i am and cherish wad i got and study hard..Still have one thing in mind tat i need to think...In this few day i will be thinking about wad should i do to this problem...Now all my friends are like changing for the worst...I dont noe wad should i do to help them or wad but i dont noe wheather ist better for me to dissapear in their life and carry on with my new fresh life...But some friends are cant be forgoten..Dont noe wad to do nw..Hais...By this few day i think i can have my answer soon to myself..Now I think i should take a break from the world and study hard for my upcoming exam...Today nth much happen too...Just a few little thingy problem..After tat i finally i see wad ahead of me so i gonna change for the better..I hope tat i can sucessfully go on with my single and try to be having a stress free life...Tats all i think i have always wanted...Its time to let go somethings...Thx sisters because u all are there for me when i am down and comfort me when i nid it...Special thanks to(Doreen,Cherilyn,gladyes,Camila and weilin)Thx guys..Hmm i think nth much lerx..Ending here soon will post de^_^Byes

Monday, September 27, 2010 ♥
.... ♥ 1:38 AM

Chatted whole night with cherilyn and then went to slp after tat...Wake up is like 2 liao larx..Then went to gombak eat lunch..After lunch went to vist leslie they all awhile then after tat went home to play blackshot hahas..This few day very bored...Hahas..Msging cherly nw...Hehes..Cherly my lao po..^_^...Er zi this few day must study hard horx..Pass ur N level..I also must start to study lerx so tat i can pass my N level..Hahas..Planning to go meet lao po and er zi soon lerx...So long never go find them..Hahas..Going off soon lerx..So ending here bahx..Byes reader..

Sunday, September 26, 2010 ♥
fun day at sentosa ♥ 7:37 AM

Today morning wash up then go down eat breakfast with friend..Chatted alot and she becoming more and more pretty lerx.. then after eating breakfast still early so went to ride bicycle...Hahas then after tat went home see wahxx so late lerx then quickly went to bath then took my thing and went to vivo meet zhi yang,qing yang and jia wei...wahhx leslie they all haven reach but i come out ltr then them....Then after tat we all meet up and went to sentosa to play..Reached sentosa then went to siloso beach to have fun hahas..Hmm went to swim straight with si wai..Then we changed our sitting location then after tat we saw two beach babe then zhi yang went to take number from them..then after tat they became friend with us...Hahas..then after tat we went to eat at harbour front to eat our dinner..After eating went to vivo walk walk and then went bak hm lerx..Hahas nw very tired but still blogging..Tats all reader will try to post more often de..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 ♥
..... ♥ 9:52 AM

Yoy readers back to post..wahhx is like so long haven post lerx...Didnt got the time to post so didn't post....This few weeks have happen alot of things...Hais..The relationship can be saved lerx...No point continuing a relationship tat does not have the love in it...Already gave my best effort to try to continue this relationship but in the end the outcome is the same..Sry guys but i already did my best lerx...Nw in the state of cooling down maybe this is the time to let her forget me bahx..Hahas..today have lots of fun...Wake up went to gombak and guess wad finally pay finish my fine lerx..Thx to cherilyn mei mie...Then went bak home to watch online movie..Guess wad suddenly cindy msg me and asked am i free anot hahas..Damn happy la..Then she asked me tonight is Mid autum festival and she wanted to celebrate and asked me to come along..Wow....Nv expect this would happen..Then is like i am having a hounor begin asked out by a chio bu la..Okay got to admit she is damn chio de lorx...Then after tat i slack till like 7plus then went down to find cindy,celestine,eileen and their friend la...We played candle but i did not play much as dont like to play...Then cindy come talk to me then i was like msging cherilyn mei mei la then she was like wooing other girl ah..Then i was like no la she is just my mei mei..I only wooing u lehx..Then she like kinda happy..But i didn't care much..After tat i make friend with cindy friend then i council them because they like kinda of cold to each other..Hahas...After tat they tried to talk to each other but the coldness is still there...Hope they can be bak to the same again..Then went to 417 played basketball as they said they wanted to play basketball...Then when reach there is kinda of late already so cindy went home first then me celestin,eileen and their friend played basketball together till 10plus wahhx so late lerx so everyone suggest going home..Then i went to zhi yang hus ton and nw using zhi yang com to blog..Hehes..hmmm nth much more to write lerx...
Byes reader..will try to post more de.

Saturday, September 11, 2010 ♥
Carzy moment ♥ 6:23 AM

Yooo peeps back to posting^_^
This few day alot of things happen on and off damn shag..Getting more and more out of control lerx..Hope to control myself more..Hahas..Me nw thinking of something but i still cant figure it out..When u have 2 person in ur heart is a very diffcult thing to choese who u really love...Hais u can like 2 person but u can only love one..Although i nw have stead but i still have other ppl in my heart...Hais..Thurs went out to east coast wahhx damn sway larx...Nvm but i still have quite alot of fun there...Hahaas....Nw i am really trying very ahrd to mantain this relationship and trying to last but everytime theres something else came up and i become angry hais...Nvm but at least nw i everything also dont wan care lerx and let nature take its course bahx..U wan give dont wan give also up to u i cant force u..But anything else happen dont be angry or jeleous..Tats all reader...Byes

Thursday, September 2, 2010 ♥
My day tat have hatred ♥ 8:15 PM

I am back to blogging as the last few day was so busy tat haven got the time to blog..On 1sep she finally agree to be my stead wahhx so happy...Then on 1sep i went out with my last time primary sch friend in the morning to chat up and eat something...Then after tat went hm then soon after tat went to meet baby..then baby went with me and my brother to singtel shop because my brother wan change phone..Grrr he damn ma fan..Then after tat went with baby to shop and save to buy thing then went to kfc to sit and chat with baby...Then after chatting then sent baby to mrt then i jiu went home ask my brother faster then we went to clementi to find my grandparents to eat dinner then after eating dinner i went bak to my 2nd home and bid goodbye to my brother at mrt station..Tats all for 1 sep....
Morning wake up Think of alot of thing because in the afternoon need settle alot of problems hais..Then in the afternoon wahhx waste alot of time settling one problem sia grr damn angry but nvm after settling went to qy hus to play majong..Hahaas played half way her father came bak so we like opening a illigal gambaling den like tat we in 1 min keep everything wahhx stun because so fast we keep finish everything hahas..Then went down tat time saw baby and felicia..So we went to basketball court and guess wad i saw cindy,elieen adn celestine hahas they like saw i hugging baby like stun like tat...Then duno wad they gossiping..Then after tat i was damn angry la then baby went off and i didn't even sent her off because i am damn angry la..Then i fustrated all my anger on basketball then after tat went bak 2nd home soon after tat...Then ask gan ma got cook anot she say dont have cook so we went out to eat hahas then wei lin helped me play majong hahas then went to eat with gan ma they all the food not so nice la..Then after eating went bak there and thx to wei lin and yue han they helped me to win alot thx alot bro...But after tat my gan pa came and helped zhi feng win alot wahhx nt fair..Then in the end i no win no lose hais....Tats all for today too hahas night time maybe posting..

Jun wen ♥
♥ The Lover.

Jun wen
Jun wen is known to most people.
One year older on every September 1st!
Dunearn sec,2007-2010

A very random & hyper boy who
is a CrazyLover of Winniethepooh and hello kitty ♥

Music is definitely part of me.
Singing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stair to ufo & there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

Sweeties of my life
is what i adores most.
They are my Super best friends.

Winnie the pooh hello kitty
Mickey mouse & pink,black or white stuffs makes me go crazy
(they're way too cute!)

Drawing & creating poems
are part of my favourites.

Going out together
with my sweeties are times when we
can crap together.

When i out with my loves ones or
when i feel like it^.^

Dark Chocolates
is my choice of chocolate.
More bitterness,less sweetness^.^

Beloved Darling
Shes's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this^.^
i love you cause you are who you are♥

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Get married with my lovely wife♥
- Make a memorable memories with my dearest baby so that i could show in our marriage♥
- Collect armani things.
- Have a Stress free life.
- Spend more time with u?
- Go out and enjoy with my sweeties♥
- More outings with Sweeties♥
- New pair of contact lens - 180cm tall!(If i can=P)
- Having no trouble!
- Less stress!
- Hope our relationship could last till marriage♥
Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

Cherilyn Flyaway!
Doreen Flyaway!
Jia hui Flyaway!
Joey Flyaway!
Gladys Flyaway!
Miko Flyaway!
Nicholas Chua Flyaway!
Nicholas Sis Flyaway!
Lena Flyaway!
Zhi feng Flyaway!

Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` August 2010 ` September 2010 ` October 2010 ` November 2010 ` December 2010 ` January 2011 ` February 2011 ` March 2011 ` May 2011 ` June 2011 ` July 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` March 2012 ` June 2012 ` November 2012 ` June 2014 ` July 2014