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Saturday, August 28, 2010 ♥
Brother day.. ♥ 10:01 AM

Today morning wake up wahhx so many ppl come liao...Hahas...Wahx damn happy larx today going out with alot of ppl hehes..So went to bath then at there relax under the shower tap damn shiok la..Hahas..Then prepare myself then use com awhile then went bak home..Wei lin accompany me go bak home so good hahas..Went bak home then change clothes then take my thing liao then go bak to my 2nd home hahas go hus to hus..After tat relax at there awhile then we all went off liao hahas..Took the bus to jp wahhx damn long larx but never mind we all talking listening to music..Hais.Msging dolly then like damn angry and jeleous la..Then like dont wan reply her lerx..Need time to cool down...Then walk to safra soon after we reach jp..Then after tat walk till safra kbox the person say 1 person 26dollar wahhx some nt enough so never go kbox liao..Hais.so we go to play pool and lan..Some play pool first then me weilin ting wei and si wai play left for dead 2 hahas..Played like 1hr plus then off com liao so went to play pool..Play pool awhile then saw dorren hahas..She came like i also duno lorx...Then i went outside slack awhile then went wait for them to play finish then after tat like wahhx wad the hell la...Forget it dont wan say wad happen..Hahas msging dolly and she is with her dad at sun plaza shopping...She is so sweet la..She buy thing to do for my birthday la..She is the first one to do things for my birthday la..Love her many many...Then is like she go place to place and buy thing to do for my birthday...Then after she buy things already went bak home do for like very long untill her hand pain also never stop..She is the sweetest girl i ever met la..Got so many ex also no her sweet la..Then went to jp eat pepper lunch..Wahhx the pepper lunch is totally no standard la...Wahhx damn not nice and the ice cream is like not in the nice shape la..When i do pepper lunch i do for like nt even 1 month my ice cream standard is 10times better then the person who do it la..Not zi kua okay is really de my ice cream is really nicer then jp pepper lunch la..Jp pepper lunch is totally a Disgrace la..Hais..Then we all went back to my 2nd home..Hais alot of thing happen lerx...Hais..Behind dont want write liao..Tats all for tonight...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 ♥
Quite happy ♥ 6:45 AM

Today wake up check on my phone wahhx saw something tat was nt expected..After seeing tat msg i felt guiltly because of my harshness it hurt u..I am sorry dolly..From today onwards i will respect ur decision de..Then i heard alot of thing sia..After hearing thoese thing is like wahhx damn happy larx..Hahas..PLayed majong awhile then let leslie play because i nid go sch there fetch dolly..Then i walk there with er zi..Waited very long sia but never mind..Long still must wait..Hais then they come out lerx sent them to bus stop then went to take bus with er zi to westmall to go help mummy top up the electric thingy hahas..So went bak my own home first to talk to my ah gong awhile then jiu went to westmall post office top up..After finish top up went to interchange take bus back to my 2nd home..After tat settle something lerx then go to do something else..After doing my things lerx went to westmall meet jie jie...Jie jie call me go down pei her awhile then around 7 i jiu go liao..So take a bus back to 417 then went to 323 pei zhi feng eat..After eating went bak my 2nd home wahhx mummy got cook..While eating i finally found out tat u care for me and how much u love me hehes..happy dao fly high lorx..Hahas..Wahhx today moon damn pretty like u dolly..Then at 318 talk talk settle thing then jiu go bak hm then dorren jiu went bak home liao so i nw using com posting my blog and doing lots more of thing hahas..I miss you alot..Tats all for tonight byes..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 ♥
Sad day ♥ 6:01 AM

Today morning wake up saw alot of ppl sia hahas..Wei lin they all came hahas didn't go sch...Then after tat went to bath then at the room see show till 12 plus..Then went to 324 eat my lunch then went to 426 wait for dolly and felicia..After tat slack awhile then accompany them to swing..Hais thx for everything my brother..I will always be there for u all de brother..Love u all brother..

After tat went bak hm awhile then went to 315 vent my anger and sadness on basketball...Played basketball till 5plus then went bak bath then went down to meet dolly and felicia...Hais slack for awhile then went to 315 to look for leslie they all...Whew leslie they all and me felt better after playing basketball...

Then went bak hm around 7plus cook instant noodle for yue han and er zi then we all eat together chated happly..Then soon i went to use come saw someone blog..Have nth to say lerx..

Anyway if u wan like tat i cant do anything de but my answer is i wont wait....
Thx geraldine..
I HATE THIS FEELING..Nothing more to say..
I think i will go bak to my last time ways..Leslie u noe wad i mean by going bak to the last time way right..No mood to post liao tat all...Me go lie down on bed and wish tat i am dreaming..


Monday, August 23, 2010 ♥
Crazy day ♥ 3:44 AM

Today morning wake up at 7a.m yawn hahas..Then geraldine came so i went to bath...The water damn shiok sia nice hehes...Then after bathing went to kitchen to talk to leslie he seems like nt in the mood so didn't talk much..Hais...Then i went down with him and geraldine to go to 413 coffee shop eat breakfast...I didn't eat because nt in the mood too..Then i went to sch with damn..Damn bored lorx..After tat went to 2jade see ppl...Hehes..Then i went to walk walk at sch then find it boring so went home hahas..They fire drill then missing one person tat is me hehes..Nobody noe where i went so they cant find me...

Stayed at leslie hus with wei lin and we watch movie for quite awhile then qing yang came..Hahas..Then went down at around 12:45 with qing yang went to 426 saw doreen they all hehes..Me and qing yang waited for like half and hour for felicia and dolly wahhx they damn long but never mind girls always let guy wait but dont noe how to treasure thing they have nw they just let guys wait..After they lost something because of letting the guy wait how many sorry also wont help..So me and qing yang waited..After they come out went to 425 there because the girls want buy poky..Ask them eat they dont wan wan eat poky..hais..They 2:15 sent them back to sch for their camps...Then we went to 324 to eat..Then after eating went to goodview garden for trainning..Need train them for future use hahas..So after trainning went down to slack..Then felicia came with dolly..Hahas happy to see her but after tat felt like emo..so went to one corner and emo lorx..Think of somthing..Hais..Then something bad had happen hate it..So went to the rain and play..After playing in the rain so nw at here use com..Hahas..Nw missing someone..Me wanna be sick..Tats all..Hais.

Sunday, August 22, 2010 ♥
Funny day ♥ 6:23 AM

Today morning wake up at si wai hus grr damn funny lorx wei lin roll here roll there on me..Hahas.Go to living room sit awhile then go brush teeth and bath hehes water damn cold..Then went to living room watch tv..Msging someone...Hais..Missing someone right nw..

Then went bak my 2nd home bath then change clothes then after tat went to play basket ball...After playing basketball went bak hm to play majong and poker cards hahas...Today lost quite alot 20 like tat..Hahas also nvm me play fun fun only loss some money never mind de..hahas then poker win back abit...

Hais play untill very long..Like 4 hr like tat wahhx so long lorx..Hahas..After playing went to eat..Yummy..Gan ma cook nice..Hahas then after tat accompany ting wei and yue han they all go down 324 coffee shop eat...Then after eating yue han they all went bak left me ting wei leslie si wai and brenda

Sunday, August 15, 2010 ♥
B0red day ♥ 7:13 AM

Today morning wake up at leslie hus went to bath and we went off to jurong point to buy something...Then went to arcade after buying thing...Wow cant imagine my intial d improve alot because of my car is so fast hahas..

Msging keslyn nw...she cant reply me cause her msg burst liao tmr then can msg me=(Then after playing arcade went to interchange to take a bus to bukit batok...Went to leslie hus for awhile then me and lesie went to gombak emo cut cut hair...Hahas my hair nw damn funny la...So after cutting hair went bak to leslie hus awhile then me leslie,yue han,qing yang,wei lin and jedrek went to 324 to eat chicken rice yummy hahas..Then after tat we went bak to leslie hus played card all the way till 8plus hahas...So me ,yue han,jedrek and wei lin bid farewell to leslie,ting wei and si wai er zi hahas...Then we went to take bus...Reach hm around 8plus...Damn tired maybe tmr going go sign line for Iphone4 =)Smiles..Yawn then nw using computer checking things and updating things too=)Hais Nw damn confused about something..Duno wad to do..So nw dont wan care le let nature take its course bahx..Fate decide things for me nw.Tats all for today byes reader hahas...

Saturday, August 14, 2010 ♥
Fun day.. ♥ 11:23 AM

Today wake up at si wai hus then went to bath..After bathing wei lin just nice reach then i packing up and left...Then wei lin accompany me go take bus then i went to west mall there meet my mum wahhx my kor kor is sick=(Althought i dont like my kor kor much but i still care about him..Then went to orchard to do facial..wahhx damn pain but can ta han..Hahas then after my facial getting late so straight aways bid good bye with my mum..Took the mrt then fell asleep in the mrt wahhx wake up over shot so faster take back..Damn long the journey..So around 5 plus went to Jurong point meet leslie..Whew finally reach the destination..So after tat took a bus with leslie they all then go to jia hui hus there..Leslie they all go play basketball when they reach so i sit there and thought of something...

Hmm who i really love and in my heart but cant really think much..So enjoy alot at jia hui birthday party..There is joy and laughter in their hus..Have the warm family feeling.Then we slakc there till 9plus bahx..

Then reached leslie hus played majong wahhx lost alot lorx 29 dollar=)smile always hahas..Then we all went to eat maggie yummy hahas..Now we are going to play cards=)Spend the night playing...(Tats all for today byes)

Thursday, August 12, 2010 ♥
Dissapointed day in my life ♥ 8:39 AM

Today happily wake up and went to bath..Wanted to meet baby leslie they all after i bath=)Went down and slack with them awhile then baby told me to go up she have something to talk to me.

Guess wad she told me?She told me tat She want to BREAK with me..Okay,Starting i was blur and confused wad shld i do and everything my mind went clear and started working on its own..After talking for a long time we went down as just friend..All look stun tat wad happen why me and dorren look like something went wrong so 1 by 1 asked and i just told them we break le..They all like stun Huh!!Why break..i just told them there are some reason behind so dorren break with me..So they didn't ask much ethier..Dorren told me tat its a test tat i flunk with flying colour WoW!!If she dare to do tat then she must prepare to lose me..No guy will stand such a test..I dont regret loving u,caring so much about u and everything i gave but i have only 1 thing to say to u.Our memories will always be kept in the bottom of my heart.Now i just want to forget about me and be happy always.Hope ur Prelim wont get affected.

Went to play basketball after eating at 426...Grrr went down to west mall because got problems wad the hell la..Then after tat pei wei kang go meet his friend then went CC to find zhi feng and went to 315 to meet leslie they all..Then played match then went to gombak to pei yue han see doctor then after seeing doctor we went to eat Tom yam soup.Wahhx damn spicy..hahas..Then after tat went to leslie hus played card..Tats all for tonight..Have a tired day and sad day..Good night.Yawn.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 ♥
Stupid days ♥ 5:49 AM

Today damn late wake up...Like around 11 plus then wake up...Wahhx head damn pain...Having cought...Tsk..TSK..Then went to bath and prepare myself and went off to blk 426...

Reached there at around 12:03p.m..Whew reach there in time..Saw qing yang at there waiting for them hahas...So we waited for them to come out...Saw wei lin first then soon came after leslie baby ting wei yue han jedrek and lots more..Then we waited for arron goh they all to come wad the hell lorx so long then come..Waited for them because got some problems..The problem is settled hahas but one thing i have to say to (Nichloas Onn zi an)That we can never ever go back to the times..U have ur way i have my way..We are ended today..If u starting just admit and u are sorry we will let this go but too bad u dissapointed us and we all have our way and u have ur way..Anyways if u think them pulling people in the picture can help u u are wrong because somethings u must settle on ur own and nobody can help u.

After tat went to leslie hus and baby went home after settleing the problems..Sad baby cant accompany me..Then we played manjong wad the hell lorx..Today lost 31dollar.hais..relax only=)Then at leslie hus eat dinner then went back home soon after tat..Fought with my brother at home what the hell lorx just came back then he want fight with me but never mind..Miss baby alot..Maybe tmr can get to see her.Tats all for today...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 ♥
Tired day ♥ 6:32 AM

Today wake up saw yue han and wei lin,wahhx they came very early sia...Then went to bath.After use bath went to use com.Played gunz and use facebook awhile then let other ppl use.So i went to eat when other ppl is using the com..Wahhx si wai mother cooked nice curry chicken and curry fish damn nice^_^.So went to relax at the living room awhile then went to the kitchen to eat durian.

Leslie soon woke up after we eat finish the durian because he will get irritated by smelling the durian.hahas..Then he went back home to bath so we stay at the living room to relax then i used the com to help si wai and jedrek do their blog..While doing ting wei came up then he stayed awhile then si wai father came back..After doing jedrek blog he and ting wei went to find leslie and wei lin first so left me and si wai..Need to stay because need help si wai do blog..So after we finish doing the blog we went to leslie hus.On the way we went to the nearby coffee shop to buy food.After buying we walk go leslie hus and saw them playing majong..So i went in eat with si wai then the food so many grrr cant finish so asked yue han to go in help me eat..Then i played majong and lose 10 dollar today hahas.So after majong we all went back home.Miss baby alot..cant get to see her today damn sad..Tats all for today.

Monday, August 9, 2010 ♥
Fun day ♥ 9:24 AM

Today went back home in the morning then bath and charge my phone then use com awhile..Msg baby and baby replied me..wahhx baby so early wake up..Then i went to take a short nap then wake up msg baby and baby is on the ways to come my hus to accompany..Have lots of fun with baby today^_^When i see her my fever is all gone already...Love baby for taking such a good care of me and worried about me when i sick..Baby thx for begin such a understanding and loving girlfriend maucks.Then around 2 plus went to take bus with baby because baby going home then i am going good view to meet leslie,yue han,wei lin,si wai,jedrek and lots more hahas.I alight first then kiss good bye to baby.Walked to the basketball court then was damn happy today hahas.Slack awhile with them then went to help out the bbq...Then went to play basketball awhile then qing yang came down hahas..he is sick but he still wanted to come down just for us...Loving brothers is like this..Then talked to baby on the phone awhile then went to play basketball again..Then leslie and a few of them went to give respect to the 7month then left me,wei lin and ting wei at there..so me and wei lin go make some food then eated then continue to play baskeball hahas fun playing basketball..Missing baby all the time..We played till leslie they all come bak then we at there play awhile then went back..Then went to leslie hus after tat then jedrek they all took their bag and wei lin and ting wei went back so left me,leslie and jedrek..So we went to si wai hus ton hahas.Then nw we are si wai hus updating blog^_^We are watching longest yard the movie quite nice^_^Today BBQ is a total faliure and dont like the attitude there but wad to do give in bahx..Love baby always and will be missing u..Baby the below is just for you.Maucks.Tats all for today.


Sunday, August 8, 2010 ♥
Miserable day ♥ 9:10 AM

Hais today morning wake up saw wei lin,ting wei and si wai.Went o bath soon after i wake up..Msg baby and perpare myself to go lot 1 with leslie,wei lin,ting wei and si wai to meet darryen jedrek and another girl..also duno who is she..darren friend hahas...then we went to arcade to play intial D5..then after playing we went down to find darren they all because while we are playing arcade they went down eat mac bo jio lorx...Then went to limbang eat chicken rice..Then after eating went to darren grandma hus to play majong and poker..Hais today lost 14dollar lorx...hahas but never mind play for fun only...hais damn miss baby lorx...Today sick untill very jialat hais..Then at there chatted with baby on the phone for very long then darren mummy say me why i talk so long on the phone..Hahas..Baby tell me tat she tmr then meet me then i was like damn happy lorx..Then after tat i still feel very sick hais..Miss baby huggies and all...I think i having love sick because a day without baby is miserable...Then we left there at around 9plus then went to lot 1 then change bus to westmall then went to arcade..After playing went to darren mums hus then bath at there then nw playing majong and some playing cards..Felt shag tat baby told me tat she ltr then call me..hais nw damn shag..I think later baby sleep liao wont have the chance to talk to her liao.sad:(Miss baby alot.Dont want think too much le nw just see baby will call me anot bahx.Tats all for today.

Saturday, August 7, 2010 ♥
Sad and Happy day. ♥ 4:50 AM

Today morning wake up at leslie hus saw qing yang,yue han and wei lin.Grrr damn irritating lorx hahas.After tat i went to bath and we went down to 324 coffee shop to eat.We were at there happy eating and talking too:)Hahas then msg baby and baby told me tat a idoit write something in facebook and guess wad we all think tat it was me.Was damn angry after seeing tat.Then Darren came and they played majong.I went in to the room to chat on the phone with baby for awhile then Ching fu came and came in the room.After awhile i hang up me and yue han damn hungry so we went to 324 again to eat laska hahas damn spicy.Yummmy.After tat we went back to leslie hus awhile then asked baby to call me.We chatted aroung 20min then ching fu and darren is going off to bugis.When i ask baby Do she love me.She said no:(Sob sob.Then i ask her is she mine she also said no:(Damn shag to hear tat but she ask me why am i like so sad.Then i duno how to reply So i just kept quiet.Then she ask me ist about the Things she said and i told her truthly yes.Then she asked me ist about the do she love me and i said yes.She said she was just kidding about it but i still feel sad.When she say she dont love me is like my heart have something percing through it and out.Then i asked her again do she love me she said yes:)(Abit happy)Then i ask her is she mine she said yes too:)(Damn happy)Then talked awhile more then they all came in and we played stuff toys fight throwing here and there hahas.Then i went out to charge my phone because tat my phone have no battery liao hahas.So we chatted awhile more and i went to play Black Jack.hahas loss alot of money but never mind play for fun only loss money is nt the problems.Today i remember is the day tat we all tell Jia hui we are leaving her hahas but in the end also never.Hais Felt quite miserable today because didn't see baby today.Every second Every min Every hour is like hell to me but at least i still have my brother.Baby I love You.Maucks.Tats all for nw.

Friday, August 6, 2010 ♥
Wonderful day ♥ 8:33 AM

Today morning wake up at around 10plus then went to bath after tat me leslie and zhi feng went to blk426 to go find my girlfrend>Doreen and leslie girlfriend>Geraline and lots more brothers.After tat leslie and geraldine went to lot 1 to eat lunch.So me and doreen n brothers went to leslie hus.Acctually want to go take ball then go to play basketball but after tat they say staying at leslie hus to play majong so me and baby at room play com.After we play com then we boring so i went to bed to lie down and baby accompany me and then i felt bored so i disturb baby so i go tickle her hahas:P.Then she tickle me back damn ichy lorx hahas.Then half way through playing with baby leslie and geraldine came bak.But we continue playing.Have lots of fun playing with baby.Then at around 3plus baby need to go bak sob sob:(So baby went bak.When baby went back guess wad?I msg baby and ask her whether she is happy today she told me kinda of..Was kinda happy:)Then i went out to see them play majong and i heard tat there is ice cream so i went down with er zi,zhi feng and wei lin to go buy.Treated er zi,zhi feng,wei lin,leslie,yue han and ting wei.hahas.They eat too much ice cream must control them cannot let them eat too much nt gd.Hahas.Then went to 315 Basketball court to play basketball but there were having training so we went to 419 there to play basketball.We played match with a group of friend then i was damn angry lorx because tat guy want snatch ball from me then bang me then i elbow his face hahas.After tat we saw the guy who beat jedrek damn angry want go whack him then also nt my problems so i ask them want go whack them anot they dont want hais.So we stare at them but after tat they walk away like no balls.Waiting for the chance to whack them.After playing basketball we went to leslie hus eat dinner then was msging baby but didn't reply was damn worried then like thought busy but till 10plus still haven reply so called baby because scared baby handphone gt confiscated by mother.whew baby was just sleeping.Then we went downstair to slack then after tat went bak to leslie hus.Today Ah boi is celebrating his birthday.Happy birthday Ah boi.Althought i dont noe him well but i still treat him as a friend because a brother friend of mine is my friend.I dont care wad he thinks about me but i just think wad me and baby is thinking can liao hahas.Then i was happy because i know baby love me very much and wont leave me.Doreen baby I love you.Maucks.Anyway i am touch by wad cherilyn wrote on the blog.I felt guilty after seeing tat but i hope she will still stay strong.Love is selfish.Josica nu er dont be sad lerx la.Si wai is a good guy to consider.I think he will be better then ur ex brandon.Thats all for tonight.I will make you happy everyday when u see me de baby.I love you.

Thursday, August 5, 2010 ♥
Hard to take it. ♥ 9:15 AM

Today i had a great evening with Doreen.When around 6plus went to 323 to buy food and when waiting for the food my zhuzhu msg me.she came to find me after tat and soon leave after Nicholas oon and zhi feng came.After awhile after she leave Doreen came back.We went back to leslie hus soon after tat.Me and zhi feng continue doing our Project.At around 8 plus nicholas oon gone home and we went down to get medicine for leslie because leslie is sick.When we are on the way doreen said tat her dad called and have to leave I am sad to hear tat but wad to do.Hais.We went to 318 to slack awhile and Doreen came back awhile and left again.After she left we went up to leslie hus and continue doing our project and at around 11pm i sent zhi feng to the bus stop and came back after tat.I was msging doreen and guess wad?Nw i am fearing to lose her.I dont care hw u treat me I Just want to be with u tats all I want.Loving u is something.Hugging u is warm.Kissing u is like I am in heaven.To u to be with me is Everything.U are important to me Doreen pls dont be confuse because I am ur baby that will always be by ur side no matter wad happen.Losing you is like losing everything I have baby.I cant bear to lose you as I really love you.Hope when u see this u will know wad I means.Yawn good night..going to sleep already.

Finally created a blog^_^ ♥ 2:57 AM

Today on 5:56 I finally created a blog hahas thx to si wai , qing yang and lots more brothers.This few days more and more troubles coming . I was suspended yestaday for nt cutting hair WTH .
Love you.Then today after doing blog slack with my brothers and stead.Maucks .

Jun wen ♥
♥ The Lover.

Jun wen
Jun wen is known to most people.
One year older on every September 1st!
Dunearn sec,2007-2010

A very random & hyper boy who
is a CrazyLover of Winniethepooh and hello kitty ♥

Music is definitely part of me.
Singing is my passion.

Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Stair to ufo & there you go!

You can bold, italic,
strike & underline it (:

Entertainment ♥
♥ Music

Footprints ♥
♥ Speakings

Adores ♥
♥ Loves

Sweeties of my life
is what i adores most.
They are my Super best friends.

Winnie the pooh hello kitty
Mickey mouse & pink,black or white stuffs makes me go crazy
(they're way too cute!)

Drawing & creating poems
are part of my favourites.

Going out together
with my sweeties are times when we
can crap together.

When i out with my loves ones or
when i feel like it^.^

Dark Chocolates
is my choice of chocolate.
More bitterness,less sweetness^.^

Beloved Darling
Shes's of course, who i love.
More sweetness for this^.^
i love you cause you are who you are♥

Yearns ♥
♥ i want

- Get married with my lovely wife♥
- Make a memorable memories with my dearest baby so that i could show in our marriage♥
- Collect armani things.
- Have a Stress free life.
- Spend more time with u?
- Go out and enjoy with my sweeties♥
- More outings with Sweeties♥
- New pair of contact lens - 180cm tall!(If i can=P)
- Having no trouble!
- Less stress!
- Hope our relationship could last till marriage♥
Flyaways ♥
♥ heartaching leavings

Cherilyn Flyaway!
Doreen Flyaway!
Jia hui Flyaway!
Joey Flyaway!
Gladys Flyaway!
Miko Flyaway!
Nicholas Chua Flyaway!
Nicholas Sis Flyaway!
Lena Flyaway!
Zhi feng Flyaway!

Archives ♥
♥ Beautiful memories

` August 2010 ` September 2010 ` October 2010 ` November 2010 ` December 2010 ` January 2011 ` February 2011 ` March 2011 ` May 2011 ` June 2011 ` July 2011 ` September 2011 ` October 2011 ` March 2012 ` June 2012 ` November 2012 ` June 2014 ` July 2014